What is Immunotherapy?
#immunotherapy #cancer #jimmycarter #cornell

Sometimes Miracles come in Pairs: Twins & Cancer
Is the onset or progression of cancer mainly caused by an inherent genetic predisposition to mutations that a person cannot control? Or...

Balloons are not the only things that pop
Over 80 percent of all cancer deaths are due to secondary tumor formation—otherwise known as cancer metastasis. In order for a secondary...

How Scientists Describe their Cancer Research through Dance!
Alaluf Emmanuelle, a MD/PhD student from University of Brussels, has posted a video on YouTube describing her latest publication on how...

Cancer stem cells
The latest buzzword (or, rather, words) in the cancer research world is “cancer stem cells”. These stem cells are thought to exist in...

Research at Cornell: Why is testicular cancer is so easy to treat with chemotherapy?
Advances in chemotherapy have become an important method of cancer treatment, but many cancers still have a poor prognosis and do not...
Cancer Biomarkers
Broadly defined, cancer biomarkers are biological markers that indicate the presence of a cancer, much like the tip of an iceberg. If...

IBM is changing the face of cancer treatment
Have you ever heard of IBM Watson? You know the robot that beat Ken Jennings at Jeopardy!? Well he is not competing on game shows...